Emerald Physicians – Vivapalooza
June 1 – 10AM to 3PM
Barnstable High School
Emerald Physicians is holding their 5th annual Vivapalooza on Sunday, June 1st from 10-3 at Barnstable High School! Vivapalooza is a free healthy living expo that is fun and informative for all ages. This year’s wellness themes will focus on the following areas of disease information and prevention: brain health, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders, and gluten sensitivity.
Sample delicious, healthy food from local area restaurants, engage with exhibitors offering a spectrum of health & wellness information, talk with physicians and other speakers, watch a cooking demonstration, participate in basic health screenings, and so much more! Farmer’s market with fresh products available for sale and an exciting Kids Zone with lots of healthy fun for the wee ones. The Viva 5k walk/run will kick off the day! Mark your calendar and please join us for a day of “eating local, celebrating imagination and living healthy”! Please check www.emeraldphysicians.com for more info.