Thursday mornings on the Karen and Ralphie morning show, Karen gives some personal advice. It’s ask Karen! From problems big and small, Karen gives her take on life, love, work and everything in between! If you’re interested in asking Karen a question, click here.
The Question
Dear Karen,
My daughter is getting married in 3 months…I am very happy and excited for her. She bought a beautiful strapless wedding gown that we all love. There is one thing though…she doesn’t shave her armpits anymore…she says she likes everything about her now to be very natural. She doesn’t shave her legs either but her wedding dress will cover them up.
How can I convince her to shave her armpits for her wedding day. If she doesn’t I’m afraid her hairy armpits will be the “talk” of the wedding and the focal point of all the wedding pictures.
Lil in Chatham
Karen’s Answer
Dear Lil,
I am assuming your daughters friends all know about her long armpit hair so it may not be the “talk” of the wedding like you think it will be.
I do not think you should approach her on this…because I am sure she has thought about what the pictures will look like if she’s dancing with her arms up. If she doesn’t like it then…she can ask the photographer to Photoshop the armpit hair out of the picture.
Congrats on her upcoming nuptials.
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