Thursday mornings on the Karen and Ralphie morning show, Karen gives some personal advice. It’s ask Karen! From problems big and small, Karen gives her take on life, love, work and everything in between! If you’re interested in asking Karen a question, click here.
The Question
Dear Karen,
I find this very strange. I have a neighbor that lives one house down from me that seems to copy just about everything I do and it’s irritating me to no end.
First, I put up 2 long cedar planters in my driveway…with small Alberta Spruce trees in each one…less than a week later she did the exact same thing.
I decided to put a flagpole on my front lawn…2 weeks later…there goes the flagpole in her yard.
This is the weirdest one…last spring we had our house painted. It used to be white and we decided to paint it a mauve type of color. Just last week…doesn’t this neighbor ring my bell to tell me she’s having her house painted this summer and she wants to know the exact name and brand of MY house color. I was fit to be tied. I told her I didn’t remember the name…that I would have to look it up.
How can I get my neighbor to stop coping everything I do.
Janine in Harwich
Karen’s Answer
I can totally understand the way you feel. I would let the planter situation slide and even the flag pole but I can understand why you would be irritated about the mauve house color. It’s not the most common house color and for her to have the exact same color one house away would really bug me. When she comes ringing again to find out your exact house color…then tell her you put a lot of time picking out that color and you wanted it to be unique to your house and that’s it! That would be the opportunity to set her straight.
Good luck!
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